Frequently Asked Questions

If you would like to use After The Bell Aus services, the first step is to register your child. Registration Applications are completed via our website and you can create your online registration portal here Register Now. Once submitted, your application will be processed by the Enrolment Team at our Head Office. Upon successful Registration you will receive an email to welcome you to After The Bell Aus and your online dashboard will move from “Awaiting Approval” into an “Registered” status. Instructions in the welcome email will direct the account holder to set-up their online account and App to enable you to manage your child’s booking, cancellations, you child’s profile and more.

Please note that the registration process can take up to 3-4 business days during peak enrolment periods, and we ask our families to keep this timeframe in mind when enrolling for care.

If you would like to make a BSC/ ASC booking or cancellation you can manage your BSC/ASC booking through your Kidsoft parent portal. If you wish not to use your portal all bookings can be made via emailing our Head Office bookings email address.

Please Note- Before School and After School Care Casual bookings and one-off permanent booking cancellations require 2 Business days,  (not business hours) prior to the day of booking cancellation.

To make a Vacation Care booking all you need to do is click on the here Manage Your Account and complete an online booking request form.

Refer to the Parent Guardian Handbook and your child’s submitted Enrolment Form for all other terms and conditions pertaining to bookings and cancellation of care.

Before and After School Care

During Before and After School Care children are to ensure they have a refillable bottle and a SunSmart approved hat during the SunSmart period.

Vacation Care and Student Free Days

During Vacation Care and Students Free Days please ensure that your child’s bag is packed with a nutritional morning tea, lunch and a refillable bottle.

We ask parents not to pack their children’s bag with soft drinks, lollies and chips. After The Bell Aus follows the Heart Foundation, Healthy Together programs and Nutrition Australia policy and promotes healthy eating at our programs. Children are not permitted to have any food that contain nuts and that requires heating or cooking.

Please note that some days in Vacation Care lunch is provided, please read the Vacation Care program carefully for these indicated lunch provided days.

Dress Code

During SunSmart periods of September through to May children must wear a SunSmart approved hat. During the SunSmart period sunscreen is required to be applied before arriving to the program.

Children are to wear comfortable and appropriate clothing and footwear to suit weather conditions and according to the planned activities.

Before and After School Care:

After The Bell Aus bills on a fortnightly basis and always for the previous 2 weeks in arrears. On the account holders App and Home Dash you will see your current statement outlining all costs incurred during the previous fortnight. The following day (Thursday) the relevant fees will be debited from the Credit Card or Bank Account nominated by you as part of your enrolment application. It is important to read the direct debit calendar, which indicates all direct debit days for the year.

Vacation Care

Vacation Care, unlike Before and After School Care, is prepaid and care cannot be accessed unless payment has been made. Please contact our friendly Head Office staff for more information regarding the next Vacation Care period, as terms vary each Vacation Care period.

If you have a Grievance or Complaint about an After The Bell Aus Program or any other matter, please email Your email will be reviewed and actioned by the relevant Department and you will receive an email back once the investigation into the matter has been completed. Our full Grievance and Complaints policy is available to be viewed at all our programs.

We value all feedback as it helps us to improve our service to you. After The Bell Aus has feedback forms available at all program locations, or alternatively you can send an email to All communication received is taken into account during our regular Policy Review meetings on an annual basis.

After The Bell Aus is registered with CCSS, which means that families can claim Child Care Subsidy (CCS) where an eligibility exists. Please visit or contact the Family Assistance Office on 13 61 50 for information on eligibility and how to apply.

Under the CCS system, the Government has placed the responsibility of managing the CCS benefit solely onto Families. If you wish to take advantage of CCS and reduce your out of pocket costs you must provide us with both your child’s and the CCS registered parent’s correct Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN) as part of your child’s enrolment application. If this information is not provided (or the details given are incorrect) and you do not accept After The Bell Aus as an Approved Provider in your MyGov account, CCS eligible entitlements cannot be applied to your account and After The Bell Aus session rate is payable at full rate.

In the event that After The Bell Aus cannot link your account with the CCSS system, we will email you once to request the information required. After this time, it is up to Families to ensure that we have all information needed.

Please note that After The Bell Aus’s Fees do not vary. What may vary, however, is the level of CCS the Government applies to your account, which, in turn, affects your payable out of pockets costs. Adjustments by the Government to the level of CCS support given can occur up to 8 weeks from the time your child last attended our service, which may then leave a balance payable. Please visit for further information regarding the 8 week absence ruling.

If you child has a medical condition, please complete all relevant sections in your child’s registration application, which will assist us to manage the condition whilst your child is attending our services.

Where an Action / Management Plan is available (or required by legislation), this plan must be uploaded against your child’s registration application dashboard. Please note that Action / Management Plans cannot be older than 12 months at the time of registration, as per After The Bell Aus policy.

Prior to your child’s first attendance, all medication, medical devices relating to the medical condition must be provided to the Program. This medication cannot be removed from the Program premises, until the final day of service. The Educators will also ask you to review and sign a Risk Minimisation plan regarding your child’s health care needs at this time. As this is a legislative requirement, your child will regrettably not be able to commence with our service until these processes has been completed and approved.

Our Before School, After School Care, Student Free Day and Vacation Care services are charged by session. It is up to you how much of the session you would like to utilise, however the cost does not vary depending on the length of time your child is in attendance.

We offer both casual and permanent bookings and you can choose to be set up as either a permanent or casual user or utilise a combination of both session types.

Please contact our friendly Head Office staff either via email to or phone on 03 9758 6744 during office hours for information about the current fee schedule relating to your Program.

Head Office:

Our Head Office hours are 9am – 5pm Monday – Thursday and 9am – 4pm Friday, excluding Public Holidays. Please note that our Head Office is closed between Christmas and New Year every year.

OSHC Programs:

The opening hours for our services vary from location to location. Please visit Find my location / Details for information relevant to your child’s OSHC Program, or alternatively contact our friendly Head Office staff either via email to or phone on 1300 977 599 EST during office hours.

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